Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Monday, October 21, 2013

Ryan Waite Photography

Just received the first image back from my shoot with Ryan. He will be releasing the rest throughout the week so I'm excited to see how they came out!

Friday, October 11, 2013


As I was waiting in line at the airport, I opened an email, and whatdaya know, I found myself! I've been subscribed to Karmaloop and a bunch of other online stores for years, so it was quite odd to open an email containing an ad with my face in it. Not to mention, there's a zombie guy behind me. So, next, I went to their website, and whatdaya know, I found myself again on the homepage (and it's also on their facebook page)! :)
Facebook version

E-mail version

Homepage version

Friday, September 20, 2013


1) Karmaloop this morning from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
2) Bridal show fitting at 12:30 pm
3) Casting at 5:50 pm

At the Karmaloop studio

 Trying on wedding dresses

Karmaloop makeup

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Busy Bee

After a hectic few days of changing classes and trying to figure out what I want to concentrate in, I have only an even busier weekend to look forward to. Tomorrow, I have a fitting for the Daniela Corte Show for 9/27; Friday I will be shooting at Karmaloop, followed by a fitting for the Bridal Show this Sunday; Saturday is a double shooting day: a morning shoot for a friend, and an afternoon shoot with Ryan Waite; and finally, Sunday, the Bridal Show. On top of all of that, I have to catch up on work for MCB80, and my newly added SLS20 class, and try to get ahead so that I have more free time in general. On a more positive note, my hotel and flight are officially booked for Texas, which I could not be more excited and happy about! I definitely need a miniature vacation. Also, Sam, by chance, found me on T.J.Maxx's newly launched site. If she hadn't found it, I probably would have completely forgotten about it, but here are a few of the looks that have been posted thus far (they are only half-face shots , if you remember from my earlier post).