Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Busy Bee

After a hectic few days of changing classes and trying to figure out what I want to concentrate in, I have only an even busier weekend to look forward to. Tomorrow, I have a fitting for the Daniela Corte Show for 9/27; Friday I will be shooting at Karmaloop, followed by a fitting for the Bridal Show this Sunday; Saturday is a double shooting day: a morning shoot for a friend, and an afternoon shoot with Ryan Waite; and finally, Sunday, the Bridal Show. On top of all of that, I have to catch up on work for MCB80, and my newly added SLS20 class, and try to get ahead so that I have more free time in general. On a more positive note, my hotel and flight are officially booked for Texas, which I could not be more excited and happy about! I definitely need a miniature vacation. Also, Sam, by chance, found me on T.J.Maxx's newly launched site. If she hadn't found it, I probably would have completely forgotten about it, but here are a few of the looks that have been posted thus far (they are only half-face shots , if you remember from my earlier post).

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