Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Shoot that Never Was...?

When I first joined Maggie Inc. last February, I received an email from Matthew regarding a shoot with a local photographer, Nicole Pagán. After perusing through her site, I responded immediately, saying that I would love to shoot with her. Thus began a year's worth of rescheduling, and what my roommate Sam (Happy Birthday btw, woot woot!) deemed "The Shoot that Never Was". However, our little dance came to a close last Saturday when we finally, and spontaneously, scheduled a quick 1.5 hour shoot over in cute Somerville. I showed up with a bag of haphazardly chosen wardrobe picks and without an idea as to what we were going for, we ventured out into the cold. We quickly found our way to a newly renovated empty house owned by Nicole's roommate. The house itself served as inspiration for our little project, a blank canvas in its own right. The next hour consisted of my rolling around on floors and countertops, spinning in circles without a thought as to what my face might be doing. I had been waiting for a shoot like this for a long time: something a little more raw and unstructured. Hence, I present to you, "Fun Daze", by Nicole Pagán.

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